Base and Prestige classes

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Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:37 pm

Base and Prestige classes

Post by Ailander »

Many classes on our server have been deeply modified and changed in hope to give a more fun player experiences. Most of these changes are not set in stone since working on a server is a continous evolution, if you'd like to make suggestions please check the proper subforum for the class you wish to make the suggestion for

Furthermore, some prestige classes will be available only by either finding the lorebook that talks about it or joining the faction that would give access to said class, like the Citywatch officer that requires to be part of the Citywatch of high standing.If for any reason the character lose standing with said faction will not be able to continue their progression in said class

As of now, there is the possibility to redo the last level done throught the PCBOOK (please check the index for more informations) but no automatic system to allow a complete remake of the character. Down the line, there will come an IC relic that will allow (for a high price) to redo everything from level 1, but as of now is not implemented yet so please be careful when leveling your character

To find all the informations to each class and prestige class check this link to the forum section