How to use this forum

Here you can write short happenings or stories about your characters
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Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:37 pm

How to use this forum

Post by Ailander »

These rules are guidelines, not laws. We will keep in consideration any writing from players and what they write for further improving in their dm ranks, given being a good writer is part of the job, or help develop their story in events and quests but this section gives no benefit except let your creativity run wild.

Here you can make short stories about your characters. Consider that any information here may be read by anyone and thus be sure that what you want to write is not private and/or something you don't wish to be known since we can act on metagame only when happens.

Avoid also to write of special situations from the past of your character that may break the lore and/or requires staff approval. For example, saying that your character is a traveler from the planes or comes from Sigil. While waterdeep has rules for Spelljammers landing, is unlikely that a low level character may have traveled that far and, if he did, would require a good explanation on why now is low level. With this we are not saying you cannot roleplay a character coming from another plane, just that you should contact us from the staff on discord to discuss about it first.

A personal suggestion, avoid also making names. What they wrote, what they did, even mentions of their affiliation (in terms of factions) is fine, but by experience i know that making names without the authorization of said players can lead to unsavory situations.

For the rest, let go your fantasy run wild my friends!