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DM Ranks

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 2:24 pm
by Ailander
When players will reach the right point that will allow them to unlock the DM (see the DM System post) they will automatically be assigned rank I. Rank I is the starting rank for everyone that freshly unlocked the system and comes with several limitations (Cannto roam around the world as dm, cannot see the characters sheet, specific sets of rewards). We decided to put these limits not only for the safety of the server itself and not risk people abusing their new powers but also for allowing people to learn about the building features of the new tools and about the server lore with time and experience by making events of their own

While the DM System will grants some DM tools and controls what players faces in their modules. The rewards are static and decided togheter with the staff depending from the difficulty of hteir modules. There are still some limitations on how much they can interact with the server itself (they cannot manage campaign events or not be allowed to make static maps to make an example).

However, those that proves themselves capable and have passion for creating stories may see them granted further tools and features, (to keep the previous example, they will be allowed to manage campaign events or create new areas for the game wold at the right rank). So far there are 4 ranks including the first, with rank IV having almost the same tools and duties of the staff excluded the admin (which is technically rank V).

With each event hosted they will be evaluated not only by the staff but also by the community that can leave comments and rates on discord specifically designed chats and channels. While being well received is definitely something that we keep in mind it is not the major factor for ranking up. To rank up someone must show to have understood the lore of the server, have a good general knowledge of Forgotten Realms and being able to manage multiple players at once.

These are the ranks.

Developer Rank
unlocked at the end of Chapter 1 of the main campaign

They can
-import their own area
-create their own monsters (in the module)
-create their own items for the event (these items will live and be present only in their istanced areas)

They cannot
-have powers over persistent areas
-create/manage magical items outside their own areas
-reward/remove xp from the players
-move between areas, kill or heal players with dm tools
-move players outside their imported areas and DM preparation room
-pause the server

Creator Rank
Unlocked by a number of factors, first of all if they actually do valid quest, are creative people and respect the value of the server

They can
same as before plus
-allowed to propose their own persistent areas.They can use these areas for their own events/campaign or sanctioned for main campaign events
-Create items free from the module rules up to green (tier 1)
-Help manage events in Rented Halls (in testing)

They cannot
-have powers over persistent areas
-create/manage magical items outside their own areas
-reward/remove xp from the players
-move between areas, kill or heal players with dm tools
-move players outside their imported areas and DM preparation room
-pause the server

Loremaster Rank
Unlocked after have spent more than six months on the server as a Creator rank and kept having positive feedbacks on their events

They can
same as before plus
-Help design new server plots and parts for the main campaign
-Create items free from the module rules up to purple tier
-Manage a faction and help develop them more in terms of lore
-Kill or heal players with dm tool
-move players outside their imported areas and DM preparation room

They cannot
-have powers over persistent areas except the faction they will take care of
-create/manage magical items outside their faction and allowed tier
- Some areas are still locked for this rank
-pause the server

Staff Rank
Unlocked after have spent one year on the server as a Loremaster rank and kept having positive feedbacks on their events

They can
same as before plus
-Create items free from the module rules up to gold tier
-allowed to propose persistent areas (including dungeons) without limits
-help manage the lore of the server and develop the main campaigns

They cannot
-move between areas, kill or heal players with dm tools
-move players outside their imported areas and DM preparation room
-pause the server

The xp rewards for ending their module, the xp received from monsters and treasure types will be all managed by the server after posting the request of the adventure in the proper Discord chat section and telling the staff the level range of the adventure.

Good adventures/events rated both by staff and players, may be reward with a special token to the player that made such event that will allow them to request 1 item for their adventurers to keep on the server. Be mindful that having this token will not give you free reigns on what kind of item it is and will be limited by the colour tier that their rank allows

If any DM below Staff rank wishes to reward their players with a special item, they can make request for it with a pm to the staff with the specifics of what item they want to use that token for (a template ticket may be made in the future)