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A verse from Natures Melodies, Rumthrils Reflections

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 11:55 pm
by Saphirerose
( for mood. )

(ps. Bit of a late hour of writing,, slim possibility of typoes Ahead.and possibiliy, being a round about way to phrase things. you lot have been warned, ))

Does the wind Sing, or cry? does it lead, or does it direct the leaves upon it's back?

Sitting down by the pond and wching upon waters reflection, after having excused my self from the discussuion by the inn, given apperances, and word's do being the fundamentals for tending to the guests of the inns, and hardly would do any good if the smiiling, joyfull souce of stories suddenly would let shift tone, from a gentle springe breeze to a thunder storm, filled with the woe of a fire after a tree had been struck.

As takes several breaths, and watches the Clear reflections, letting the reflections over the days since had returned to the City of splendors After Staying thier for two tendays, of with all happenings and doings, Memmories, and freinds made.

" i guess i would be delighted, after seeing a Old freind of mine Survived the war." those words, or least something to the effect were Uttered Before by the Managder, after having observed how he the last few days been slightly less brooding and in delighttfull spirit. a Fact, Mildly envied but were happy for the sake of his.

Considering just a few weeks before, after a admitebly, Remedied and sorted situatuion where one would need to consider possibility of having to consider a chapter, or a book with aquintances conclouded. And accepting might not come around and that thier is no more. With the Managder afer a Day, realised the tone which might been carried at the time.

and now, queastioning if a Coincidence relating to him and Foxes were a boon or a curse.* after which, takes a knowing glance as savoured the scents of the flowers, as the bardic Druid's mind wandered back to the begining of this journey, when arrived to the city of Splendors with least one, souce of comfort and familiarty, Siley.

Of the laughtiers that were shared, The Dread, at first after that Fatefull encounter in the cities Sewers after that which the elders warned of and spoke of in ancient history. and then the exchanges and journeys, such as getting to know , the Managders Children before getting introduced to Kelian. And again, the Comfort of A familiar Face in this Maze, of mostly innocent summer leaves.

Moving back to the recent times. Even if admitebly, it would paradoxialy enough not been so long after those encounters would returned, as we had our joyfull Renuion, wondered where the other had been, Promising to not let go of each other and then, to earn our fortunes Both of us be hired at Suns rest inn, and our trail, and that which would decide and be materials if we would have our jobs being jugded by a event, which the two of us would host. The event, which in hindight would been what were sucsessfull Delight savoured by Manny, the Games night.

with of course, what ended up happening were i ended up on my own, tossed into a hurricane on my own comparativley speaking. with the innitial assumption and plan being, not having to be on stage light, and work on it alone. with a certainy, with a sense of familiarity among the Relativley speaking, strangers. Both the patrons, the guests and the managder and, the other reasurring personal through the night, and day.

*as by the, reaches for the quill once more, and reaching for the tome, as started writing.*

"Does the water droplet, have a sense of unity with the river? or is it tugged along by the currents, and the streams needing to follow this dance?"

"would it be Foolish, to hold onto matters and hopes, and pray that Dreams still is achived, even if thier the possibility of being dissapoinsted? or would it been the one Surrendering hope, and not holding onto dream and promises, only depending on them selves and what they can provide by thier own hands be the ones being lost on thier path of reason?"

"does the shining silver light, shine a path to guide Through the dark hours of the night, or does the Darkness follow the light, knowing how manny would be attracted, and charmed by it's shiny pressence?"

as Memmories did it's best, to avoid thoughts, and dispelling woes of what would have transpired, and what would unfolded, to lead on the current path given where thier were supposed to be two, thier were one. And admitebly, the uncertainty, of the path forward.

Admitebly, the one Candle light in this labyrinth of the future. beinga Endaevour and bringing joy to possibly, belive in as a fond of certainty, were the talk, and Endeavour of one of the new arrivals, a Miracle comparativley speaking, A fellow druid From home, by Tethyr by the name of Alison had aspirations of Establishing a Grove which is what been.. allmost a sense, of giving the last few days a meaning with the due preperations.

Still, as thier being. a feeling of.. uncertainty? a bit of fear? eathier way how one put the word to with the quil, a feeling of unease. given every fire, eathier can be a comforting, delightfull feeling. Or it can, if one sticks to close, end up burning one self and bring pain. the fear, of the ever slim risk of a repetion of the series of events related to the game night.

as by then, a small Smile, before closing it down as heard a voice of Relative Familiarity. And mind wandered to the present, and a small breath, as mind thought of the joys of past days.