Harper Scout suggestions

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Harper Scout suggestions

Post by blacksoft »

Some suggestions to help out harper scout:

Can progress either, Ranger, Druid, or Bard spellcasting ability. These three are chosen for thematic and mechanical reasons. These three classes are most scout oriented casters as well as lose most by multiclassing. (Bard song, animal companion, wild shape etc).

In place of sleep - foxes cunning.

Add skills: survival, search, spot, listen, lore- geography, gather information etc.

Consider dropping iron will feat requirement. Class is already gated by server.

Dream suggestion: give it full BAB progression. Since this class isn't interesting to cleric, sorcerer, favored soul, or sorcerer, I don't think it will be much of an issue. Druid surely can use high BAB progression PRC with sacrifice and Bard gives up its main resource with higher level bard song.
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Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:37 pm

Re: Harper Scout suggestions

Post by Ailander »

Hello there!

So the increase of spellcasting ability was the same first thought i had. Sadly we will need to wait for Beamdog to fix an issue that there is with nwn since eons. Basically innate casters can't really progress spellcasting. They can have an increased CL but they won't gain access to new spells or spell levels...so this increase would only be good for ranger, druids and all those classes with an already existing spelllist. And don't get me started on animal companion or other features...

However, we are considering giving some special potions craftable only by the harper scout togheter with some new powers. Sadly in those five levels we have to remake pretty much everything from scratches because seems to be all hardcoded. I will keep this post updated once we have some settled route
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